Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the little things...

Sunday evening I had the opportunity to hang out with my siblings and eight nieces and nephews. The house was total chaos. The kids were all sugared up and ready to GO! My brother was so completely stressed out from the noise he took 1/2 a Valium. (We kept waiting for it to kick in because we thought he was going to lose it.) I guess the kids have been going crazy for days and he'd just had enough.

As we were sitting at the table playing games I had this blessed realization that the noise wasn't really bothering me. [In fact, earlier in the night I'm pretty sure I was contributing to it. I love my little nieces and nephews laughter so I was tickling, chasing and "tormenting" them just to hear their little shrieks of laughter.] I turned to my sisters and brother and asked them, "Is it really that noisy? I guess I'm not really bothered by it because I know at the end of the night, I'm going home to a completely quiet and calm house. No kids bouncing off the walls there! It was quiet when I left and it'll be quiet when I get home."

Not one of them thought that was very funny. Hey, I've gotta enjoy the little things like peace and quiet while I can. (I also very much enjoy my nieces and nephews too!)

1 comment:

Jon said...

Why don't you come watch those cute little suckers next weekend - Friday to Sunday, then will see how much you like the noise?